A Look Back on The Fangirl Initiative's First Full Week of Posting

Well, here we are, just past the end of our first full week of posts. While we've been operating since November, last week was the first time we've had a post on every day. Here's how it went down:

Sunday, November 30th: We got our first look at Star Wars, Episode VII in the first teaser trailer. I shared my thoughts on it here.

Monday, December 1st: Bailey Bastien made her debut on the blog with a character analysis of Sam Winchester.

Tuesday, December 2nd: Rica Wiersema posted her first recap of Once Upon a Time with the episode "Fall."

Wednesday, December 3rd: Mirriam Neal recapped Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s episode "Ye Who Enter Here."

Thursday, December 4th: Jaime Heller recapped the "Flash vs Arrow" crossover.

Friday, December 5th: Paige Kelly swept us away to Middle-earth, a world of music.

Friday, December 5th: Andrea Wiesner's first post on the blog was a review of Peter Pan Live! You can read it here. Jaime Heller also has this to say about it:

While Andrea’s review of Peter Pan live! summed up everything I was feeling, I still wanted to give my perspective. I grew up on Peter Pan (mainly the Disney-fied version of the animated film and the 2003 version and also Hook). I was excited to watch the live stage play after years and years of not watching it (and not remembering one thing from it except a few lines from the songs).
Watching it made me feel as if I were flying back to Neverland once again (how could it not?). I loved almost every moment. I think Allison Williams did splendid as Peter. The whole cast was quite wonderful. I was slightly disappointed in Hook because he didn’t feel like the Hook I was used to. But I do have to hand it to Christopher Walken for taking the role at his age. The entirety of the pirate scenes felt lacking. But the rest of it was wonderful.
Now I want to run off and live in a tree house and fly around wearing green and leaves. *sigh*

Saturday, December 6th: Mirriam Neal reacted to the most recent episode of The 100, "Fog of War."

Sunday, December 7th: A few members of The Fangirl Initiative team shared their thoughts on the casting of Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange.

Monday, December 8th: Amanda Horn posted about the red soul of Enjolras.

And in case you missed them, be sure to check out our posts from earlier this November--Mirriam Neal's review of Mockingjay, Rica Wiersema's "So You're New to Doctor Who", and the first Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The 100 recaps. (And my posts about Tony Stark and Gatsby, if you're into that sort of thing!)

And now, a thank you.

When I first started this blog, on a complete whim, I had no idea that soon I'd be working with such a fabulous group of people, and posting almost 24/7 about all things fandom. It's more than I ever dreamed. Some days, I can't even fathom it.

So THANK YOU! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who asked if they could join The Initiative. And very importantly, thank YOU, our readers, for making this such a huge success! I mean it when I say I cannot wait to see what's to come for us.

Well, I know part of what's to come: many more weeks of posting--as much as our (and your) little fangirl hearts can stand. Stay tuned this week, and the future, for more daily doses of fandoms and everything fiction. And generalized awesomeness.

And as always, don't forget to be awesome.