Gotham Recap: Welcome Back, Jim Gordon

It’s time for another Gotham Recap! Spoilers to follow.

We discover why Bruce and Alfred have been MIA in the last few episodes when it’s revealed that they’ve been in the Alps the last few weeks. Apparently Copperhead’s attack at the Wayne Manor unsettled Alfred so much, he felt he needed to take Bruce out of the city for awhile for his protection, even though Cat had been the real target. Bruce is now searching for Cat, having Alfred drive him around the city. They run into Ivy, who they pay to give Cat the message that Bruce is looking for her.

Soon, Cat comes to the Wayne Manor. Bruce gives her a snow globe as a gift.


He also offers to make a deal with her — he’ll give her a better place to live by letting her stay in the manor is she’ll agree to help find his parents’ killer. Offended by what she perceives as an act of charity, Cat gives him back his snow globe, says she was lying and that she never saw the killer, and tells him to stop harassing her.

Once she’s gone, Bruce angrily breaks the snow globe. Alfred catches him crying and encourages him to stop. Putting on a brave face, Bruce proclaims he will find another lead; but Alfred seems unimpressed by this statement.

At the GCPD, Eddie corners Kristen and gives her a card he made for her. Later, he walks in on Detective Flass reading the card out loud to their coworkers, mocking it. Kristin seeks Eddie out and apologizes to him for the incident, saying that she didn’t show Flass the card — he found it himself and made fun of it despite her telling him to stop.


When Eddie tries to flirt with her again, she stops him. But he still takes her apology as a sign of hope for their relationship.

Jim and Harvey are confronted with a new case when Detective Flass finds the body of a drug dealer named Littlefield. He says no drugs are on the body, but when Flass isn’t looking, Jim finds small bags of a substance hidden in Littlefield’s shoe. They find a witness to the murder — a cheerful night janitor named Leon Winkler whose wife convinced him to step forward. Winkler comes in to work with the sketch artist; but before the sketch artist comes, Winkler is murdered at the station, an ice-pick having been jabbed into his neck.

The security cameras were turned off before Winkler’s murder, so no footage of the killer exists. Eddie tells the detectives that the ice-pick wound matches that of Littlefield’s, so the killer must be the same. Since the second murder took place at the station itself, Jim is convinced the murderer must be a cop. Essen and Harvey dislike this idea, and tell him he needs strong evidence before making any accusations; otherwise, he could endanger his reinstatement.

Jim starts with the guard duty log book. When he finds a page missing from it, he questions his fellow cops about who was on guard duty outside interrogation that morning. None of them are willing to talk, as they are more concerned with protecting their own. Jim tries to get information out of Harvey, who it seems is unwilling to work with him either. Finally Jim resorts to blackmailing one of his fellow cops into talking, who gives him the name Delaware.

Delaware tries to escape the station, but Jim stops him and handcuffs him. He searches Delaware’s car, and finds bags of drugs hidden in the trunk, matching the ones in Littlefield’s shoe. Jim makes a spectacle out of locking Delaware in the jail cell, in order to make a statement, despite Harvey’s plea to be more discreet. He then shows Essen the drugs he found as evidence. Detective Flass speaks up and says those drugs were part of an undercover narcotics investigation. And, not only was Jim’s search of Delaware’s car illegal, if word gets out about the arrest, it could blow their entire operation. Essen angrily takes Jim and Harvey off the case and hands it over to internal affairs.

In private, Harvey tells Jim that Flass and his men don’t just bust drug dealers — they take over their operations and run them themselves. Flass is protected by high-up people, Harvey says; probably including the Commissioner himself. He didn’t tell Jim this before because he didn’t want to rile him up. The reason he’s telling him now is to show how dangerous this case is. The danger doesn’t deter Jim, of course, who asks Harvey for the addresses of Flass’s stash houses. Harvey reluctantly gives them to him. At one of the stash houses, Jim and Harvey find Delaware and some other of Flass’s men packing boxes. A fight ensues, which Delaware stops when he shows Jim that he has a signed warrant to clear the stash house, on the commissioner’s request. Jim can’t take them in for being there.

Back at the station, Jim finds out internal affairs has ruled Winkler’s death a suicide. He sees Winkler’s wife crying in the station after hearing the news, wondering how her husband could have killed himself when he seemed so happy.


Jim approaches Essen and tells her they both know death from an ice-pick in the back of the neck can‘t be a suicide. But Essen says they can‘t list the death as anything but a suicide, because otherwise it could implicate the Commissioner, losing them their jobs. She tells Jim to forget about this case and move on.

Jim goes to Fish’s club, which he sees Oswald has taken over and is showing off to his mother as his own. When they talk in private, Jim asks Oswald to get the scoop on Flass, since Maroni owns the drug trade. When he agrees, Jim asks what he wants in return. But Oswald says friends don’t owe friends for favors. Jim requests that, however he gets the information, to make sure no one gets hurt.


Under Oswald’s orders, Gabe tortures Delaware’s wife until Delaware gives him the information needed, along with some evidence. Gabe brings the evidence — the murder weapon and a tape of Delaware confessing to Flass’s involvement — to the station and gives it to Jim. Jim goes to arrest Flass. Flass mocks him, saying he’s protected. Jim encourages his coworkers to stand with him; which some of them do, but Flass easily fights them off. But Flass finally loses the fight when Essen steps in and arrests him.

Meanwhile, Fish is brought in to be tortured by one of Falcone’s men, Bob, until she gives a sincere apology. She seems to have no desire to apologize to anyone, instead mocking Bob and showing resilience to all of his torture methods.


Butch, on the other hand, is being driven to the incinerator. He escapes, however, killing the driver, and threatens one of Falcone’s other men until he tells him where Fish is. Bob is about to break Fish’s knee when Butch comes to the rescue, beats up Bob, and sets Fish free. (We later see a very injured Bob put out of his misery by Victor Zsasz.) Butch, worried about Fish, takes care of her until she recovers from the torture a few hours later. He wants them both to leave the city, since Falcone will be looking for them. But Fish refuses to leave Gotham until she kills Oswald.

She heads to her club to find Oswald there, about to christen it as his Iceberg Lounge. She interrupts his announcement, and beats him in revenge. To save himself, Oswald suggests they join forces and become unstoppable together. Fish refuses, calls him a nobody, and says he was nothing until she found him. Oswald tells her that he had been working for Falcone the entire time and that she didn’t have the sense to see it.


Fish Mooney is about to kill him, when Victor Zsasz arrives. A shootout ensues, and Fish and Butch run to escape. Butch helps Fish out a window, and stays behind to slow Zsasz down. Zsasz shoots Butch, but not fatally. The last we see is Zsasz and his women contemplating whether to kill Butch or take him home to torture him.

When we see Fish again, she is with Harvey Bullock at the docks. She tells him she’s going to lay low for awhile, then come back and kill Penguin. Harvey says he doesn’t think it wise for her to ever return, but she’s determined. Fish asks him to find Butch and help him if he’s still alive. The two kiss and then say goodbye.

The episode ends when Jim runs into Delaware in an alley, and Delaware begs him not to harm his family again. It is then that Jim realizes Oswald didn’t keep his promise to help with the case without hurting anyone. Jim may have won against Flass, but at what cost?

Final Thoughts: 

We got to see a lot of interesting things in this episode. We learn that Fish’s real name is Marie Mercedes Mooney. We find out the reason Butch is so loyal to Fish is because he’s in love with her (his daring moves to save her were surprisingly brave and touching). And we also find out Harvey is in love with Fish as well. The latter took me a bit by surprise. Although we have seen the two flirt together on screen before, I had always assumed he did so to get information out of her, and ensure good relations between her and the GCPD. She has, after all, been an extremely valuable informant. But apparently his feeling for her were more genuine than I thought.

Eddie is becoming creepier and more forward in his advances toward Kristen, as I suspected he would. His slowly darkening character is still very minute, though. I was surprised at how fast Detective Flass was taken out of the picture. I thought the writers would stretch out the rivalry between those two, and even suspected Eddie might frame him for murder. But Flass has already been arrested for a crime he, apparently, genuinely committed. A bit of a waste of potential there, I thought.

We got to see Oswald’s mother, Gertrud, again. And she even survived the episode! I found it interesting that she took up Liza’s scarf. I wonder if this is meant to be a symbol saying that, since Liza died while wearing that scarf, Gertrud is the next to go?


I was very happy to see Oswald stand up to Fish, pointing out that, even though she regards him as weak, he still managed to be cleverer than her. Also, Oswald’s drunken celebration at the bar is possibly my favorite scene in the entire series so far.


Overall, it was a very interesting episode with lots of fun scenes (not to mention a lot less problematic than what we saw last week). Good job, Gotham writers!

What’s to Come: 

Most of the things we have to look forward to are the same as what I discussed last week — Robin’s parents, Oswald and Eddie meeting, Eddie’s turning point and possible backstory — all of which have a very likely chance of happening in the Scarecrow two-parter that begins this Monday.

Besides that, we have an upcoming circus episode that sounds very intriguing. And from the preview of tomorrow’s episode, it looks like things are going to get pretty intense between Oswald and Maroni. I can’t wait to see what happens!